Current Sponsors

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Below is a listing of the current sponsors of Matt's Script Archive, along with their current banners which are rotating. Please support these sponsors, as they are the ones who manage to keep MSA alive and keep Matt writing new scripts.

Digital Satellite Source

    Want it Fast?

Paradigm by Design

    SoftSpider for Windows - the fastest, easiest way to drive traffic to your website. As seen in PC Magazine!

Htmlscript Corporation

    KoolCat - Advanced Commerce Catalog with Easy-to-Use Browser Based Administration

    htmlscript - Available FREE from participating ISP's and Hosting Services

Pair Networks

    Full-featured Web site hosting from $4.95/month - Virtual domains, custom CGI, database and more!

    World Class Web Hosting from the price/performance leader.  Pair Networks

    Full featured web site hosting from $4.95 per month.  Virtual domains, custom CGI, databases and more.


    ShopSite Manager is the easiest way to open a store online ShopSite Manager is the easiest way to open a store online ShopSite Manager is the easiest way to open a store online ShopSite Manager is the easiest way to open a store online ShopSite Manager is the easiest way to open a store online

Blueberry Hill Communications

    Hurry!  Reserve your domain name before someone else does. Look it up and secure it online in seconds!

Cyberian Outpost

    Cyberian Outpost: The Cool Place To Shop For Computer Stuff

Internet Communications

    5 MB Web Space (YourName.Com) $19.95/mo. - Incl. domain, cgi-bin, e-mail, counter, autoresponder, and many features more

    5 MB Web Space (YourName.Com) $19.95/mo. - Incl. domain, cgi-bin, e-mail, counter, autoresponder, and many features more

Mushkin Memory

    mushkin! memory -; Lifetime warranty, overnight shipping.

    Computer sluggish? Add RAM - POWER UP NOW! Mushkin Memory - Lifetime Warranty

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